ISSN No : 2321-7871
Impact Factor : 4.4162 (UIF) [Yr.2017]
Articles of Volume : 2 Issue : 47 ( 4, June - 2015)
By : Amare Mitiku , S.K.V. Suryanaryanaraya Raju
Abstract : The industrial sector in Ethiopia is only 11.1% which is much less than the world average (26.29%) and the sub-Saharan average (30.34%). The manufacturing sector contributes only 3.7% of output to GDP which is declined from its 6.4% proportion of the 2003/04. (WDI, 2013). Considering the average of three years value before and after GTP at constant factor price, the manufacturing value added has been 8.9 billion birr and 13.12 billion birr. Besides, the lead of the manufacturing sector has been taken by the group of light industries such as food, beverage, leather and textile.

182 Aquatic fungi from North Maharashtra-XVI – Genus Tricladium Ingold
By : Borse B. D., Patil, V. R. & Patil, S. Y.
Abstract : The article reports the occurrence of five species of the genus Tricladium Ingold viz, Tricladium aciculam Nawawi, T. angulatum Ingold, T. chaetocladium Ingold, T. minutum (S.H. Iqbal) Marvanova & Descals and T. splendens Ingold conidia of which were encountered in foam samples collected from different streams in North Maharashtra region (India). Among which T. Nawawi and T. chaetocladium Ingold are being recorded for the first time from Maharashtra. The data provides information on the range of distribution of these fungi in India. Descriptions of conidia and illustrations are provided.

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