ISSN No : 2321-7871
Impact Factor : 4.4162 (UIF) [Yr.2017]
Articles of Volume : 1 Issue : 30 ( 13, February - 2014)
68 Detection of mycoflora associated with Cicer arietinum Seeds by Agar Plate Method with PDA
By : V. K. Singh
Abstract : In the beginning of present research the survey & collection of different varieties of seed of chickpea Viz Radhey, ICP-1454, ICC-1876, Avarodhi, Pragati, Ujjain-2, 21, 24, Gulab, Co-1, Kadale-23, BEG-482, and T-3 was done during the year 2011-2012 from local mandi of Kanpur city and other village markets. The seed sample were labeled at the time of collection by giving them collection number, harvesting time and place of collection. Collected seeds were cleaned by blowing and sieving. After cleaning, seeds were further dried and stored in a cool and dry place. The seed borne fungi associated with chickpea seeds were determined by the inspection of dry seeds, washing test, agar plate method and standard blotter methods.

69 A Review Of Chemical Characteristics (acid Value And Iodine Value) Of Peanut Oil
By : Swati Mandloi , B. B. Radadia , Manish Visavadia and Ashokkumar Vaghela
Abstract : A groundnut/peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is a legume which is widely grown as a food crop. Peanut oil constitutes one of the essential components of balanced diet as good source of energy. Groundnut oil can be used for different purposes such as nutritional, medicinal and industrial only if correctly treated and selected. Since, some treatments for groundnut oil does not decreased the levels of the mineral elements but it rather increases the levels of said elements, therefore groundnut oil is a good source of protein and minerals which can be used in diets to prevent against some mineral deficiencies.

71 Seasonal Variations in Density and Species richness of Microcrustacea of High Altitude Lotus Lake, Toranmal (M.S.) India
By : Padate G. S. , Ekhande A. P. and Patil J. V.
Abstract : Microcrustaceans density and species richness was studied for two years. The two year data so obtained were analyzed for seasonal variation. The mean, SEM and One way ANOVA and Pearson correlation was calculated with abiotic parameters. Total twenty species of Microcrustaceans were recorded in study period. This revealed that the density and species richness of Microcrustaceans was maximum in summer, while it was minimum in postmonsoon. The Microcrustaceans community structure depends on a variety of environmental factors that include biological parameters, as well as various physico-chemical factors. The results are useful for water quality assessment programs.

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